Safety for Life
Road Safety for all Drivers, Cyclists, Pedestrians and Emergency Responders
Since its inception, CAA Niagara has been a strong proponent of road safety, advocating on issues such as distracted driving, winter safety, impaired driving and more.
As the way we travel continues to change, more people are choosing alternative modes of transportation. Whether you walk, ride a bike or motorcycle, take public transit or drive a gas-powered or electric vehicle, we're here to help keep you safe along your journey.
We are also committed to encouraging the development and management of road infrastructure that will keep traffic moving efficiently and safely. Better-engineered roads are also safer roads for all who travel on or beside them.

Bike Safety | Share the Road
Niagara offers some of the most scenic cycling in Canada. With so much traffic on the road, it’s important that motorists and cyclists work together and understand their roles and responsibilities and share the road.
Distracted Driving
Safe driving requires focus and concentration, so you don't lose sight of what matters most — the road.

Impaired Driving
Driving impaired, whether that's under the influence of drug or alcohol, is dangerous and a criminal offence. Keep yourself and others safe by choosing not to drive impaired.
Pedestrian Safety
Pedestrians use our roads daily &endash; in school zones, at intersections and at crosswalks. Many of us are both motorists and pedestrians. It's our responsibility to follow the rules of the road to keep everyone safe.

Senior Driving
As we age, our physical and mental abilities change, and some of those changes — including our vision, hearing and ability to react quickly — can affect our driving. We want to help mature drivers remain mobile, maintain their driving skills and stay safe behind the wheel.
Slow Down, Move Over
Every year, tow truck drivers are injured or killed by passing vehicles. CAA believes that these essential service workers have the right to safe working conditions. CAA has been the leading advocate in Canada to ensure that slow down move over laws include tow trucks, along with police, ambulance and fire.

Stranded Drivers
What do you do if your vehicle breaks down or you're in a collision? Follow our guide to get off the road as quickly and safely as possible.
Winter Driving
Ontario winters mean frigid temperatures, abundant snowfall and poor driving conditions. Prepare yourself for the road ahead with these helpful tips.

Towing Bill of Rights
Consumers have rights when they need a tow. Download the Towing Bill of Rights to know what you are entitled to when receiving roadside assistance.
Additional Resources

Back to School Safety Quiz
It's always important to remember the rules of sharing the road with pedestrians, cyclists and school buses in order to keep everyone safe. Test your road safety knowledge by taking our quiz.

Tips for Your First Motorcycle Road Trip
If you’re planning to take an extended motorcycle ride—whether it’s an overnight jaunt up north or a cross-country expedition to the coast—it’s important to ensure your bike is prepared for the voyage ahead.

CAA Niagara Equips Tow Trucks with HAAS Alert Technology
Drivers in the Niagara Region can now receive real-time alerts when CAA Niagara tow truck operators are working on the roadside thanks to new Safety Cloud equipment installed in its fleet vehicles.